Monday 30 November 2009

All of a Twitter (or is it Tweet?)

A funny week, gallerywise. Both my special tours, that I was to have done on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, were cancelled. The B&B group, who were to have a seminar on Tourism at the Maltings , was called off due to lack of numbers, but hope to come in February. The Hills Road group of office staff, who had requested the special viewing were just to busy in the end, but I guess it will happen sometime. However, I got a call at the weekend from a former student of 30 years ago who said he had noticed my picture in the paper as he was putting out the rubbish and could he book?! Today I learnt how to twitter (or is it make a tweet?) and within minutes had 19 followers!!But our biggest excitement was the news that Leo, our second son is home tomorrow, after being in Austrailia for 2 years.

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