Sunday 28 April 2024

Media Circus?

 Well not exactly. It's true I was in two newspapers the other week promoting my exhibition at the Norris Museum - 'Every Object Tells A Story'. This week I was on local radio and TV doing the same thing. They'll appear on my website soon.

On thing I have noticed about local media that's changed over the years, it's got quicker. They seemed to be saying goodbye just as you've got started. Still, its nice to be given a slot and get the word out.

Monday 22 April 2024

Altogether Now

 I have never been able to display my painting 'SNOW ANGELS AND NO ANGELS' as it was intended, in one long horizonal line as we just don't have the space for it.

However, when staff  from the Norris Museum came to select paintings for my 80th birthday exhibition, they promised to make this happen.

You can see all fifteen pictures which make up this work in my show 'Every Object Paints A Picture - works by Ted Coney' in St. Ives, Cambs. until 22nd June. There is also a short video on my latest Instagram and Facebook posts.

Monday 15 April 2024

Happy Families

 Last week Hazel and I ran two family workshops to run alongside my exhibition 'Every Object Paints A Picture' at the Norris Museum in St Ives.

The workshop was entitled 'Your Object- Your Story' and each child and parent was asked to bring a favourite object as the theme for their  painting . You can see some of the results on my latest Facebook and Instagram posts.

To start the workshop, we took everyone to see two objects and two of my paintings in the gallery. When I asked for any questions, one little boy asked me if I had made the marble statue of Oliver Cromwell which stands permanently in the corner!

Monday 8 April 2024

The Bigger Picture

 Last week I did my first pop-up Artist in Residence event at the Norris Museum, to run alongside the exhibition.

As you can see from the photo on my latest Facebook and Instagram posts I am working in a much bigger space than I normally do at home. There is hardly room to move in my tiny studio, so to work in their meeting room was a real bonus.

I managed to talk to quite a few visitors during the day while starting the first of five (small ) canvases which will make up my painting, OLD WIVES TALES.

I wonder if my work would get bigger if I had this studio, permanently?!

Monday 1 April 2024

Curtain Up

 My exhibition at the Norris Museum has begun!  You can see from the photos on my latest Instagram and Facebook posts there was quite a crush at the Private View last Thursday evening.

At the last minute I was asked to make a speech - which I kept very short. At that point I knew no one had seen the exhibition (not even me!) so I just mentioned one painting that  was on the poster.

I explained that we opened 'Limners' one window each day over the Christmas period with the tradition  of asking  guests to take on this task. I gleefully (as they were  at the Private View) spoke about my  grandchildren who always complained  that they would have preferred chocolate.

You can't please everyone.

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Topsy- Turvy

 Its been a topsy-turvy few days. My latest painting THE COUNSELLOR has been framed and I felt it looked great. However, something bothered me about the image until I realised that the left hand canvas was upside down ! (see my latest Instagram and Facebook posts)

I was then contacted by  the Norris Museum, as they wanted to show me that  the first painting - ANOTHER YEAR was up in the exhibition. Unfortunately, the top of the picture was  the wrong way round! Ofcourse all these things are fixable - can't wait to see  what happens next.

By the way, I'm 80 today so happy birthday to me.

Thursday 21 March 2024

Attention To Detail

 Two large vehicles arrived last Tuesday to transport my paintings and objects to the Norris Museum for my forthcoming exhibition.

They were accompanied by four  museum staff who spent the day taking down pictures and objects and packing them carefully away. Each object/painting was photographed before packing, with a description written as to its condition and title.

 When I mentioned how impressed I was with their attention to detail, the Curator laughed and said 'It's what we do'.