Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Toothpaste Stolen

 You may already have seen the latest photograph on my Instagram and Facebook posts. It's of my great, great, Uncle Tom, who's fortune was squandered by his nephews after he died. He owned a large pharmaceutical company that made among other things, toothpaste.

It  inspired my painting 'WHO STOLE THE TOOTHPASTE?' which you can see  with  other  work at my Cambridge Open Studio during the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weekends in July.

I've also devised a temporary installation of the story under the same title.

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

All At Sea

 Do you remember the old musical hall sketch where the man couldn't put up the deckchair?

Well, it felt a bit like that when I came to put together a table top easel I had just bought. It seemed simple enough but as there were no instructions I started to put it together the wrong way. To my horror the more I pushed the more it split!

As I needed it for my display for the up-coming open studio weekends, I rang the local art shop from where it came and arranged to take it back. Luckily, I was given a new one but I insisted it was  assembled before I left and carried it home in one piece.

Wednesday, 7 June 2023

Finding The Magic

 ' Magical ' was how one kind person described my latest painting DREAMTIME when I put it on Instagram and Facebook this week.

I was showing it off again because it had just come back from the framers and I was particularly pleased with my choice of colour for the frame - dark red and old gold.

The painting is very theatrical in theme (trying to escape a collapsing Victorian puppet theatre) and I felt  these colours really suited that.

Anyway, one fan obviously thought the same.