Tuesday, 26 March 2024

Topsy- Turvy

 Its been a topsy-turvy few days. My latest painting THE COUNSELLOR has been framed and I felt it looked great. However, something bothered me about the image until I realised that the left hand canvas was upside down ! (see my latest Instagram and Facebook posts)

I was then contacted by  the Norris Museum, as they wanted to show me that  the first painting - ANOTHER YEAR was up in the exhibition. Unfortunately, the top of the picture was  the wrong way round! Ofcourse all these things are fixable - can't wait to see  what happens next.

By the way, I'm 80 today so happy birthday to me.

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Attention To Detail

 Two large vehicles arrived last Tuesday to transport my paintings and objects to the Norris Museum for my forthcoming exhibition.

They were accompanied by four  museum staff who spent the day taking down pictures and objects and packing them carefully away. Each object/painting was photographed before packing, with a description written as to its condition and title.

 When I mentioned how impressed I was with their attention to detail, the Curator laughed and said 'It's what we do'.

Thursday, 14 March 2024

In My Own Image

 The first article (hopefully there will be more!) about my up coming exhibition at the Norris Museum is out now in the Ely I magazine. You can also see it in my latest Facebook and Instagram posts.

The photo to accompany the article was taken by my wife. Since then we've had a visit from the Norris's official photographer who spent about five hours here on Monday. He was very painstaking and professional as he took photos of me, the paintings and objects.

I know I'm very difficult to photograph as I often close my eyes at the wrong moment but hopefully there will be a few, looking wide awake.

Thursday, 7 March 2024

Give Us A Clue

 I'm currently experimenting with ideas and ways of showing  images in my new painting - 

 'Old Wives Tales'. There will be five canvases, each one to represent my grandmother or  her four sisters. The women all had a personal tragedy in their lives which I am trying to suggest  with one object (or small group of objects) in the painting.

I'm currently working on Beatrice, the eldest sister, who lost one her  sons when he was a young man. You can see my efforts so far on my latest Instagram and Facebook posts.