Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Just Like The Movies

I was driving along in my 1931 Morris Minor with Max as a passenger, when we heard that a gunman was loose in the local school.
 Knowing that the Morris is made of very thick metal (I didn't think about the windscreen) we drove straight into the building in search of him. Although he fired shots at us I managed to knock him to the ground with the Morris's wheels.
Ofcourse it was just a dream I had recently, but something strange really happen with the Morris, several years ago.
To publicise Ted Coney's Family Portraits at a business event in Ely Cathedral, I was allowed to drive  the Morris down the centre aisle,  to take it's place among the exhibits. (the Morris appears in several of my paintings so very much part of my show))
  Embarrassingly, a few days later, the car wouldn't start and had to be pushed out on two wheels
(think 'The Italian Job') through the front door.
You can see photos of the Morris in the Cathedral on my Facebook page. Click on F on any page of the website.

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