Thursday, 28 November 2019

Gallery In The Garden

It may be small but it's beautiful. I'm referring to my new gallery which has been created in our garden. Originally the garage for my Morris Minor  (which has now  got it's own  splendid new garage next door), it has now been painted white, new lighting fitted and grey tiles attached to the floor.
Currently I am working out which paintings to hang in there, ready for when I reopen
Ted Coney's Family Portraits in the spring.
I've kept the height of the ceiling high in one corner so I can hang Richard's aeroplane next to the painting dedicated to him entitled 'Airlines'.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

All That Glitters

I've been experimenting recently with gold leaf for my new painting 'The Wasp and the Ring' and have been trying out various materials.
I had some  real gold leaf left over from another painting where I wanted to represent the birth of my  grandson with something precious. In that picture I only used a few rough scraps, whereas in the new one I need it to be perfectly flat to represent the wedding ring .
I've also been trying metal leaf but still wasn't satisfied with the way the bits  joined together.
I rang my framer, Jonathan and went over for a masterclass to see how it is really done. They gave me some other metal  to practise with and I certainly like this different gold colour .
  It's a much warmer shade, which I think will go better with the rest of the colour scheme.

Friday, 15 November 2019

A Demonstration Of Ideas

Last week I was invited to do my talk 'On The Edge', to the local Art Society. (you can see details  of the ART LECTURE  on my website).
Normally the group have a demonstration of techniques  by a visiting artist but I had to explain that mine was more a demonstration of ideas rather than something practical.
After the coffee break and the talk was over, I used the last half hour to show them my painting
'Forget- Me-Nots' and the five suitcases of objects which had inspired it.
The group seemed genuinely interested in this and one young woman stayed behind to thank me for making her think more about her own work. Most people seemed to do landscapes or portraits but would they want to take them further?.

Saturday, 9 November 2019

Satellite Gallery

I was sent an Email entitled ' Ted Coney's Satellite Hertfordshire Gallery' the other  week. This was because the recipient had bought nine preliminary canvases and one print of my work over the years and wanted me to know that they had just had them displayed.
He sent me a photograph of their newly decorated room showing the pictures.
You can see my preliminary canvases and those still for sale (they'll be a new batch out after Christmas) if you follow the link from the NEWS AND REVIEWS page.

Saturday, 2 November 2019

Home Grown

I've got one of my paintings and four preliminary studies in the exhibition 'Home Grown' at the Babylon Gallery for the next few days (finishes 17th November).
One of the guests at the Private View remarked that she would have bought my painting 'Hinaki' if it had been for sale.
I should have challenged her a bit more and asked  what it was worth. I could also have reminded her that a print was available from my PRINTS FOR SALE  page.