Sunday, 30 August 2009

Fame and Fish and Chips - AGAIN!

Hurrah! not only has my story about me painting (and doing research) in Peacocks Tearoom made the Ely News but it's also spread to Cambridge. Hopefully, peole there will read the story, know I am not dead and visit the gallery. Talking of being dead, I made a painting about about my mother Peggy when she was 81 and I thought she was going to die. It is called 'Offrenda' and I took some of my ideas from the mexican ' Day of the Dead ' traditions. When Peggy recovered, I tactfully said it was her 80th birthday painting. Two weeks ago, just before the family holiday in Sheringham, I thought she was dying again. However, when we returned, there was Peggy (now 91) looking much perkier and asking for fish and chips. Like the dutiful son that I am, I promtly shared some with her even though, after a sea-side holiday I'd had more greasy food than was good for me. Ted

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