Monday, 26 April 2010

Front Page News

Well, I made it onto the front page of the Ely Standard this week! They managed to loose my carefully prepared press release but I can't grumble. The photo was of me with my 1931 Morris Minor and the story, as well as heralding the opening of Ted Coney's Family Portraits, was about how I display the objects which have inspired the paintings. Instead, someone had obviously got some information from my web-site which was more or less correct. But as they say ' A picture speaks a thousand words' or something like that. Did it make any difference to the number of visitors coming? Well no, not so far, but I do have some bookings for the future.
Maybe see you next Saturday when I will be bringing the said Morris to Eel Day to further advertise the gallery. Ted

Monday, 19 April 2010

Well, which would you rather see?

A very quiet day yesterday in the gallery, so I got on with my painting. There was one flurry of excitement when a rather exotic lady arrived with very elderly parents in tow. In a very foriegn accent she asked me to tell her what Ted Coney's Family Portraits was. I tried to explain while all the time thinking ' but will they be able to climb the stairs?' (I had not practised my downstairs tour because no one has requested it.)The lady then tried to explain all this to her father in their own language. He listened in an expressionless way before giving his reply. This was relayed to me with the words ' He would rather see the Cathedral ' Well, you can't argue with that, can you?!' Best Wishes Ted

Thursday, 15 April 2010

The Unveiling

Last night, Colin and Sylvia, my fellow cyclists, came round for the unveiling of my latest painting ' Snow Angels and No Angels '. It was important that Colin and Sylvia were there because it was they who introduced me to the Eleanor Crosses journey and with their skillful map-reading and encouragement got me from Harby (where Queen Elenaor died in 1290) to Westminster Abbey, mostly by bike! As Sylvia had unveiled the last painting which was inspired by a cycle journey (Diamond Sutra), I thought it was Colin's turn. Also, he was alot more patient with me when it came to filming in the rain, while I was laying a flower at each cross! After Colin had made an excellent speech, with a glass of wine in hand, we made a tour of all 15 paintings (he had only unveiled the first two) which are spread around the house.
Visitors are also invited to see the paintings when they make a visit to
Ted Coney's Family Portraits

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Tour Guides for Sale!

Well I did it! I launched the second season of Ted Coney's Family Portraits, if not with the fanfair of last year, at least with the assurance that some people will come.
I ran both tours today, and I think they went well. The Electronic Sketchbook worked fine and there were no technical hitches with that or the film.
I had put down the tour guides from £1 (which is what the first batch cost, although they will get cheaper) to 50p and one lovely visitor bought all eight guides (one for each tour). Hopefully, they will be back for another tour sometime!

Sunday, 11 April 2010

A Second Opening

Well, todays the day! After all my planning over the last few months, I am finally ready to open
Ted Coney's Family Portraits for the second season. Paul came on Friday to put up the last of the new lighting and Simon delivered the new sign last week, which I have just installed.
I did a rehersal yesterday morning of my tour, and I think I have everything in place.
I have decided to use the electronic sketchbook towards the end of the visit (so it does not compete for attention with the film!), but we will just see how that goes.
I feel like an actor about to deliver his lines, slightly nervous but excited. Luckily I do have some people booked on both tours, otherwise it could all be an anti-climax. Wish me luck Ted

Monday, 5 April 2010

New Pictures on the Walls

I've had to put painting to one side for a bit while I put the finishing touches to getting
Ted Coney's Family Portraits ready for opening, next week. Now the family have gone (after my birthday celebrations) I can reclaim the bedrooms to lay out the various objects which I show alongside the paintings. Simon came on Saturday to put up my latest painting 'Snow Angels and No Angels'. This was quite a feat, as their are 15 canvases and I had to work out how they would fit around the house, on the same sequence and 'journey' as the Eleanor crosses. Hazel helped me to decide, and even though we didn't quite agree, I think we reached a good compromise.
Simon also put up family photos on the 4th wall in the hallway, so it is nearly, but not quite, full. However, this also included a newly framed poster which I screen printed about 25 years ago for the first showing of Ted Coney's Family Portraits, which I did for charity. The entrance charge then was 40p, so I hope visitors now won't feel I've put admission prices up to much!
Best Wishes Ted

Thursday, 1 April 2010

E- commerce

I have finally done it! I have signed with an agency, so that the public can buy prints of some of my paintings on line. Once they are there, I don't have to do a thing except see the money roll in. The company I have signed with, deal with the orders and print and post them. I am not getting to excited though, as I know how difficult selling art can be.
However, I was able publise this new venture in my story for the local newspapers (yes, I am in two, so far) this week about reopening of TED CONEY'S FAMILY PORTRAITS on the 11th April
Best Wishes Ted