Friday, 27 April 2012

What The Papers Say

Ted Coney's Family Portraits is in the papers again. I needed to create some publicity to let people know I was open again, so decided to feature my new painting 'Another Year' in local  newspaper stories. The Cambridge News photographer came first and was very keen to get a photo in natural light, so we ended up in the kitchen. The final picture shows me holding one of my 'dusk' studies of the Cathedral with my unfinished canvas behind. Helen from the Standard was interested in the models of the Cathedral (if only she knew what anguish they had caused me) and decided to include these in her photo.
You can see the results  on the NEWS AND REVIEWS page of my website.
I was also due a visit from Debbie, the editor of the Ely Standard, who was going to include me in her weekly newsletter. However, she rang at the last minute to cancel, due to other committments. If only she had seen me, minutes before her impending visit, frantically clearing up cat sick she might have wondered why I tried to sound so calm on the phone.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Free Index Or Trip Advisor?

As an added encouragement for people to book, we've added Free Index and Trip Advisor to every page of my  website. I say 'we' but ofcourse it's been Daniel who has done all the work. Already, I've got about four comments, all posted on each site. This includes a new visitor who came to my opening tour of the season last weekend. I am too modest to quote it here, but you can see it for yourself by clicking on
Ted Coney's Family Portraits.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Singing (and shivering) In The Rain

The other day I took part in a Showcase event to promote Ely on the Market Square. Ofcourse my main focus was to advertise Ted Coney's Family Portraits as it reopens for it's forth season. As usual, I took the Morris Minor as I know it always attracts attention, and dutifully set up my A board and signs beside it. Unfortunately, it was freezing cold which made standing around a bit hard (and annoying after all the lovely weather) and then it began to rain. Although we had quite a few people around, they quickly disapeared once the weather began to turn nasty. Was it worth it?  Only time will tell, but as I am a firm believer that more has to happen on the market square, I would have been a hypoctite not to have been involved.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Another Year Takes Shape

You can now see, my painting 'Another Year ' as a work in progress on my website -   It is on the NEWS AND REVIEWS page and Daniel has done a terrific job in making each stage of the painting fade into the next one. We have also put the date on each stage of the painting - mind, this may be a bad thing as it does rather put the pressure on. Sometimes, I don't always paint regularly as I do have four other part time jobs to go to!
At the moment, I am getting endless jobs done before Ted Coney's Family Portraits reopens on 15th April. Just off to the tourist office to take some posters and getting packed up for the Showcase day in Ely Market Square tomorrow.