Friday, 3 March 2017

Green and Crinkly

When the old £5 notes go out of circulation later in the year I want to keep a few back for an idea I have for a new painting about the family.
It is said  that E.H. Shepard used the interior of Ely Courthouse for his inspiration for the scene in 'The Wind in the Willows', where Toad is hauled before the Magistrates.
In my painting I see Toad as a symbol for all that is greedy and excessive about some members of the family. Unfortunately they had access too much money to early on, and any family fortune we had, is now lost. Most of it used to buy alcohol.
And the £5 notes? I want to use them to build up the texture of Toad's skin, so hopefully you only see what it is made of, when you look closely.
 I also hope to use the original courtroom in the picture.

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