Thursday, 13 July 2017

Growing The Business

Yesterday I attended a course entitled 'Grow your business through Innovation'. As it was free and only a couple of minutes from the house, I decided to go and see if it could be useful for developing Ted Coney's Family Portraits.
I wondered whether I might be to old for this kind of thing (all sharp suits and brief cases) but I needn't have worried - it proved to be interesting and everyone was very friendly.
We were put into groups and had to explain what innovations we might bring to our own business and then the team had to choose one, to work on.
My team chose my pop-up gallery - whether this was because it seemed the most interesting or everyone thought I was most in need of help, I'm not sure!
I've already had a helpful Email from a guy who was keen to show me how easy it would be to put pictures on my blog (watch this space) and some advice from another delegate who wants to help me restructure the business.
I came away in a whirl - but the bacon sandwiches saved me from having to make lunch.

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