Thursday, 16 May 2019

My Bike, Lollipop

I use my bike both as my main form of transport and also it is an integral part of
Ted Coney's Family Portraits.
 My 1940 bicycle both advertises the pop-up gallery by displaying  information , but is also an object to inspire my paintings.
I used it for 'Bicycle Thieves' which you can see in THE COLLECTION page on my website.
It also took me on my epic 800 mile  journey to Scotland after which I produced the painting 'Diamond Sutra'.
So I am always a bit sad when bits of the bike drop off or have to be replaced. Yesterday I tried to buy a new lollipop to fix on my back wheel as the old one had split in two. The first two bike shops didn't even know what a lollipop was (when you stick it out, it keeps traffic away).
I ended up at my favourite repair shop and although Dougie didn't have a new version he offered to mend the old one by screwing the two bits back together.
 My lollipop lives to see another day.

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