Friday, 26 June 2020

Postcards In Isolation

Our local art gallery has been closed during the pandemic but very active in organising projects for its followers to enjoy.
One of them 'Postcards:Together In Isolation' aroused my interest and I decided to have a go.
We have been taking daily walks, mostly along the riverbank  and I decided to collect flowers and press them. I had a vague notion that I might use the shapes to represent different members of the family in some future painting.
For now I have produced two postcards of drawings using the flowers in black and white for the gallery project. The first one was simply  flower heads all linking together with a bit of spidery writing around the edge. The second drawing is more sparse. It's made up of a series of mechanical dots, regularly spaced out. The last ones, gradually forming into a flower. We have seen alot of diagrams and charts during this emergency. Maybe my drawing is trying to offer a bit of hope?
You can see them, along with many others, if you google Babylon Arts, Ely. Both mine are labelled 'Untitled'

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