Sunday, 25 July 2010

7 Hours In The Sun

Yesterday, I took the Morris Minor to Littleport Fair to promote Ted Coneys Family Portraits and my special Family Quiz/Trail today (wish me luck!) for London 2012 Open Weekend with all profits going to Teenage Cancer Trust. It was a gruelling seven hours standing in the hot sun but there were some useful moments. I talked to quite a few people about the car and managed to ambush a few with tales of the gallery, family portraits, quizs and trails etc. etc. I met a nice lady from the WI in Prickwillow who said she had been meaning to contact me about a visit to the house by her members. I also bumped into one of the press guys from the Cambridge News, who with very little persuasion, came and photographed me with the car. It may not be in the paper but was a welcome diversion. I drove home and promptly fell asleep.

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