Friday, 30 August 2013

Napping Not Apping

This week I was going to tell you about the new Ely app, which was  to have started on Saturday, and  Ted Coney's Family Portraits was  included. However, there was some technical problems, so the opening was postponed.
At 12pm on Sunday I had resigned myself to having no bookings for my tours (as a pop-up gallery, I only open if I have visitors, booked) when the phone rang. It took me an hour and a half to get everything ready for some people who had been before. I had to quickly look up what tour they had taken last time and make some last minute decisions. I did my  tour based on the theme of 'Time' and I think they found it interesting. Luckily, I  vacuumed the floors the day before, which might not have happened if the Ely App had gone ahead, as I volunteered to be on the market stall to help launch it.

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